Monday, October 25, 2010

Better Late Than Never

I created this "blog" almost three months ago, and am sad to admit this is the first post.  I always begin tasks after feeling inspired.  As I sat on my brother's couch this past summer and listened to his wisdom on finding a writing job, I decided I needed to start blogging.  That's as far as it got.  But as I sat in class tonight thinking what I could write about on a weekly or daily basis that would matter to anyone I decided to stop thinking and start writing. Next semester I will (fingers crossed) be heading to D.C. to be thrown into the writing world.  I thought a blog might one, be an awesome tool to help me remember the semester, and two, keep me sane in the day-to-day craziness of school and an internship in the middle of the city.  Meanwhile, Upland doesn't really fit the shoes of "city thoughts", but I can enjoy the irony as I figure out how to move from the cornfields to the capitol.

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