I lost my breath and was afraid I was going to pass out. Gretchen had been in on the whole surprise, in fact all four of my roommates knew exactly what was going on. The worst part (or maybe the best) is that Tim has done this before. This past summer he surprised me when I went to visit. Him and my roommate Ericka had planned a Colts game without my knowledge. So once again Tim had completely blindsided me.
Well Thursday was Kelsey's 21st birthday so a group of 21 of us (ironically) went out to Cheesecake Factory.
Friday was class, class, oh and more class. Lecture until four on a Friday should be a sin? Right?
Sue was a great guest speaker who informed us 'How to Thrive in Our Internships' followed by 'How Not to Die in Your Internship'.
After all that Tim and I went to a little Italian restaurant.
Saturday we went to Georgetown, had great pizza, and even better cupcakes. Tim insisted that Georgetown Cupcakes were the best. But I had a challenge for him. So the only fair thing to do was try both bakeries. Back to back.
At Georgetown we split a red velvet cupcake and a key lime cupcake. They were both very good.
Then we headed down M street to Baked and Wired. Here we tried the razlemon devil, and the unporked elvis. (raspberry lemon, and banana nut with peanut butter and chocolate frosting) I had strong feelings that Baked and Wired had much more flavor. And the cupcakes were bigger. :)
We then shopped on a sugar high. I found all my favorite stores within two blocks of my office. Temptation is going to be daily battle.
Saturday night Tim took me to Old Ebbitts, a seafood house downtown. We indulged on "rich food" as Tim put it. Then we spent two hours watching Lockup Raw.
Sunday morning Kelsey, Gretchen, Tim and I went to National Community Church. Again, it was awesome. A message on love, for singles. Perfect.
We went to Union Station for lunch, and somehow ended up spending the afternoon shopping.
We took millions of pictures on the National Mall (check out Facebook), then Tim headed back home. :(
I made tater tot casserole for a late, but much needed dinner.
The rest of the night was spent doing laundry and getting ready for the crazy week ahead.
Internship starts Tuesday.
Hello real life.