Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprised is an Understatement

Im afraid Im starting to overuse this phrase "best day ever".  But it seems to keep happening out here.  

Although at this moment I look out the window and see awful white flakes drifting to the ground.  Which makes me want to forget about the present and back this story up a few days.  (Also, I've been neglecting to blog)

I woke today with no desire to remove myself from my bed.  With that said, lets go back to Tuesday.  

Tuesday was another service learning day.  Check that experience out on the WJC blog.  It might not be up for a couple days, but read everyone else's blogs while you're there!

Tuesday night a group of us headed to the Post Pub to watch Obama give the SOTU. Surprisingly not many people were there. My conclusion is that this city is already "over it".  Who doesn't forget half of the things promised two days later anyway? 

Wednesday, what happened Wednesday?  Hmm. Class. Slush falling from the sky.

Sarah introduced us to a new sausage/ pasta mixture.  Then it began to snow. And the city freaked out.  Buses went on emergency routes only.  People were sent home from work.  Welcome to the east coast.  

I skyped with Colton and Ernie.  

I went to bed with the anticipation of waking up to a day off.

Wish granted.  

Thursday was a relaxing day off, but turned out much different than I expected.

I feel as though this post is going to get very long, and you are going to get very bored.  So I'll explain the surprise in the next one.

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