Monday, February 14, 2011

No Rush

Lately I have had to remind myself to slow down.

Missing my family and friends, I've been in this weird mood to hurry the day along and get closer to March when Momma, Daddy, Wes, and Nikki come to visit.

But yesterday I went out for a run, and as I looked around I realized I'm living in our nation's capitol.

I may never have this opportunity again.  I live with great people, and feel like the world is outside my door step, yet I'm wishing it away just to be home and in the safe routine I will only become bored with after a couple weeks.

Today Abigail made a bold statement at dinner.  "February is half over."


As I search for a pause button, here's what happen this weekend--

Friday I covered a poetry night at Baked and Wired for a story.

Saturday I got up early with Gretchen and Merv and went to Obama's house.

Then I went to the American Indian Museum with Sarah, Ben, Robby, Brady, and Zach.  After that we went to the American History Museum.  I was in love.  It made me wish my Daddy was out here.

We're only on this Earth for a short time.  College is shorter than that.  And a semester in DC even shorter. There's no rush for the next two and a half months.

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