Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Young and the Restless

Here's a wrap of the past week.


Yupp, thats it. No more to say because besides my mac and I spending a vast amount of quality time together nothing exciting has had time to take place.

Well that's not entirely true. I soaked up every last minute I had at the Georgetowner. My last day was so much fun! I'm going to miss everyone more than I like to think about!

Today was quite possibly the worst day ever. I spent nine hours on my research paper. And still have nine pages to go. I will spend all day tomorrow locked up in the apartment like I did today until that paper is done, even if it kills me.

I just keep thinking, this is it. The final push until it is all behind me and I have summer to look forward to.

Two weeks.

Talk about time flies when you're having fun.

Well Kamanda and I are Facebook chatting, and right now that is so much more appealing than writing. My brain is fried. Sorry for the brevity of this post, I hope you can understand the need to save all writing ability for tomorrow.


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