So here it goes:
This past weekend I was completely in my element. Spending three days in the city of Chicago was the most refreshing feeling I have had in months. It only became more apparent that I need to live in a city, when the second we passed the train coming in I thought to myself, I need to be on that. Or when we were walking down the sidewalk and I had the strong urge to jump on the public bus.
Memories of 365 days ago flooded back. It is hard to believe it was a year ago I moved to Washington D.C. for four short months. I felt like every other sentence out of my mouth was "that's just how it was in DC." I annoyed myself with memories and yearnings of being a city girl, I can't imagine what it was like for those around me.
But not all emotions of the weekend were of reminiscing or dreading going back to the cornfields. Instead I found myself more inspired than I have been in a very, very long time.
After recovering from a week of self pity and questioning if I will ever be able to pursue my passions to the level I imagine in my head, I realized the reason for all the doubt was because I simply am in a transitional stage. No body woke up one day the editor of Glamour. No body snapped their fingers and had a successful bridal shop. No one dreamed up a boutique they would like to own and clapped their hands and it appeared.
Maybe I feel overwhelmed because these are all things I would like to do, but right now I need to focus on climbing that ladder, not leaping to the top. School sucks, I can't pursue everything I want all at once and at the end of the day I often feel unsuccessful because I compare myself to others around me. (It also doesn't help dating someone who moves mountains because it's his personality to do so.)
The buildings, people and shops in Chicago were all inspired me to get out of this rut and chase after what I want. Maybe that's writing more about fashion, crafting or how-tos in the Echo. Maybe it's focusing hard on landing a dream internship this summer. Whatever it is, it all started with my favorite thing to do in the city: looking at peoples outfits. Something about the carefree ensembles make me feel like clothes are such an art. A feeling I want to pursue at school, but there is nothing inspiring about walking down the sidewalk on campus. (Okay, so maybe this attitude needs some adjusting.)
It is time to start making small goals, and that is starting with pursuing my passions when second semester starts next week.
Corrie, thank you for the memories of DC. Anytime I even hear anyone mention our nation's capital, adventures and stories flood back. Don't look at those around you and compare! It's not a good for any party. But keep your larger dreams abreast because they will keep you on your path to success. Oh yeah, and don't try to do doesn't work. I've tried. :) Love you miss you.