Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

The tradition started three years ago.  Every year on the 31st, I sit down with my sister and brother-in-law and write out five goals for the coming year.  But before we look forward to the new year, we open up our goals from the past year for the first time.  Whoever did the worst on their five goals has to buy the other two dinner.  This year, Nathan took the cake with three out of five.  Sadly Jami and I only made it through two.  But as we usually say, there's always next year.

Christmas came and went, all too quickly.  I didn't have time to process it in my mind, let alone type it out.  I have had two weeks of wonderful family time.  God has blessed us all in more ways than we can count.

I have no deep thoughts to close out 2010.  It was a good year, but I'm not sad to see it go.  There is so much to look forward to in the new year.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Last Thoughts in Upland

I sit on my couch relaxed for the first time in two weeks.  Finals are written, presented, and turned in.  Perfect.  I've said a few goodbyes, successfully, without tears.  It hasn't truly hit that I won't be coming back after break.  But I look forward to the new friendships that will form in D.C.

This has been a great semester at Taylor, I have learned more about myself than ever before.  I could ramble on about every little thing God has taught me, but I've decided to do what I do best.  Make a list.

10. Others know me better than I know myself.
9.  God's timing is perfect, even if it doesn't seem like it.
8.  First West girls are the best.
7.  It's important to pursue relationships
6.  Prayer is powerful
5.  When you are doing God's will, life is all around better
4.  You know who you are, when you know who you are not
3.  Family and friend time must be intentional- no technology!
2.  While our life here is temporary, we are still called to work in ourselves and others
1.  There is no pain without purpose.

God is good.  I have been blessed with a wonderful semester filled with the best of old friends, and the opportunity to make new ones.  I'm filled with sadness to leave these relationships, but look with great anticipation to next semester.  But first, a much needed restful break with family.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

So Little Time

It is almost sad how much I have been neglecting this blog! But as the semester winds down, I need a break from projects, papers, and dreaded tests.  Thus far, this weekend has consisted of lounging on the couch with my lap top as my only companion.  Pushing to the end is something I am actually pretty good at.  When I can see a light at the end of the tunnel (Christmas break)  I allow myself to give away hours of social time to awful school work.  But this anticipated break brings more than family time, good food, and a couple weeks to push pause on the brain. After break I will be packing my bags and starting a new adventure.  I am so excited for the opportunity of next semester, but recently realized I won't be with the people I've gotten so close to over the past year and a half.  So what I have been struggling with is balancing time between friends and study.  (Obviously I went to one end of the spectrum this weekend) Well, speaking of this weekend, it is quickly ticking away.  Dead week is approaching.  Hope I make it out alive.