Sunday, December 5, 2010

So Little Time

It is almost sad how much I have been neglecting this blog! But as the semester winds down, I need a break from projects, papers, and dreaded tests.  Thus far, this weekend has consisted of lounging on the couch with my lap top as my only companion.  Pushing to the end is something I am actually pretty good at.  When I can see a light at the end of the tunnel (Christmas break)  I allow myself to give away hours of social time to awful school work.  But this anticipated break brings more than family time, good food, and a couple weeks to push pause on the brain. After break I will be packing my bags and starting a new adventure.  I am so excited for the opportunity of next semester, but recently realized I won't be with the people I've gotten so close to over the past year and a half.  So what I have been struggling with is balancing time between friends and study.  (Obviously I went to one end of the spectrum this weekend) Well, speaking of this weekend, it is quickly ticking away.  Dead week is approaching.  Hope I make it out alive.

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