Friday, December 31, 2010

Farewell 2010

The tradition started three years ago.  Every year on the 31st, I sit down with my sister and brother-in-law and write out five goals for the coming year.  But before we look forward to the new year, we open up our goals from the past year for the first time.  Whoever did the worst on their five goals has to buy the other two dinner.  This year, Nathan took the cake with three out of five.  Sadly Jami and I only made it through two.  But as we usually say, there's always next year.

Christmas came and went, all too quickly.  I didn't have time to process it in my mind, let alone type it out.  I have had two weeks of wonderful family time.  God has blessed us all in more ways than we can count.

I have no deep thoughts to close out 2010.  It was a good year, but I'm not sad to see it go.  There is so much to look forward to in the new year.

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