Monday, March 14, 2011

Can I get an Amen

Tomorrow is the middle of March.  I can type, read out loud, and re-read that sentence 500 times and I still don't believe it.

I also don't believe that I haven't blogged since the last day in February.  What a fail on my part.  Things have been pretty crazy around here, but I can assure that my mood is 100 percent better than my last post.  I have decided to cast all my worries on the Lord, and I can honestly say that I feel totally different since doing so.

Last weekend the family rolled in to the city.  I wrote about that on InkTank.  It was such a blessing to see them, even though the weekends went way to fast.

I was published this week! I also got the exciting news of the possibility of spending the summer in Washington, lots to pray and think about! 

Yesterday was bus day, we went into the poorer parts of the city and talked to people living in the neighborhood.  It was much more fun than I was expecting.

Today Josh, Robby, Gretchen, Erica and myself went to an all black church in Anacostia.  I have never felt so welcomed in my entire life.  The people of Bethel Christian Fellowship were encouraging that even in the rough parts, where most don't even dare to spend time in, there are the most loving people in the city.  We worshiped for a little over two hours. There was clapping, dancing, and shouts to the Lord.  It was a great experience, I hope everyone enjoys such a loving community of believers at one point.

As God's family here on Earth we are called to love one another, I saw this more evident today than I ever have. Who knew that in this city of two extremes of poverty and power I would learn so much about love.

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