Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Its Been Too Long

I'm contemplating setting an alarm on my Blackberry that goes off every two days to remind me to blog.
Yes, life has gotten that crazy that I literally need bells and whistles to remind me to get things done.

The biggest culprit is the weather. Spring sprung, disappeared for a few days, and then decided to come back and lift my spirits. Our community dinner was a picnic on the mall at the beginning of the week, on a 79 degree day, not bad.

Life in the District has been great, stressful, yet enjoyable.

Next week is my last week at the Georgetowner. I can't think about it too much or I cry. Our publisher Sonya and I were talking about it today and she told me that I have a lot of fans here, and to call her as soon as I graduate. I don't want to leave.

Two weekends ago I went to New York City with Gretchen, Mama Janet, Meredith, and Jacqueline. It was amazing. Ready to live there.

This past weekend Daddy came to visit! It was so much fun. We went to the Newseum, the movies, saw the Cherry Blossoms (before getting hailed on), ate cupcakes, watched basketball and went to a Nationals game. He didn't want to leave, and I thought for a second he might move to DC for four weeks.

Four weeks. Holy word. Its going to be a miracle if I procrastination doesn't get the better of me.

Sunday night was the Weezy concert. Gretchen and I had the best time, we're still talking about how we saw him every time a song pops up on our itunes.

Colton Wesley is eight months old today. I can't believe it. I got to see him crawl on skype a couple weeks ago. I can't wait to eat him up when I get home! He's been a sick boy lately, but he probably just misses his auntie.

This weekend is going to have to focus on my research paper. Sunny skies stay away!

Well, I've been writing this from work, so maybe I should get back. Gotta go help Ari load the van with papers. Check out the new issue online!

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