Thursday, May 19, 2011

Settling Down

I have been home for almost three weeks, and for the first time in those three weeks I am finally starting to come to peace with all that has changed in the past month.

Not to be dramatic, but life at home is a little miserable. My internship at the Washington Times-Reporter is great, and it feels good to be writing again, but I feel like pieces of me are spread all over and country and I severely miss everyone from  DC. I wasn't expecting this adjustment period to be so hard.

Last weekend I took a much needed road trip to Taylor. It was so good to be in the company of great friends. I realized how much I missed out on during the past three months. I needed the reminder of the great group of friends I left for a whole semester and how excited I am to get them back in my life on a daily basis in the fall.

This week has been much better than last, and I feel much more content with my current status on the home-front  Feeling like there is nothing to do here, I have decided to cut the pity party and start enjoying my summer that is going to slip away all too soon.

At first I was disappointed that my job for the summer was going to be much less intense than I had planned. Now, I am grateful, and am working on some major revamping of relationships, a word that just keeps popping up this summer.

My best friend/lover/roommate Ericka reminded me this past weekend that the summer is shorter than the semester I just spent away in the city. I think that is just what I needed to hear to remind myself that every chapter of life is going to have its rough moments, but when I sit and sulk in my sorrow I'm only letting these moments get the best of me.

There are a million tough things going on right now, none of which I have any control over. What I can control is how I chose to respond. I can't make any decisions for anyone but myself, as much as I would like to.

To keep me focused on myself (not in a conceded way, just in a way to keep me motivated for the future) I've decided to find some fashion trend I'm obsessed with and post it on a page of my blog once a week. This will also keep me accountable for blogging! I got this idea a few weeks ago when I met a very important person in the fashion industry. She told me to start blogging about fashion, and while I'm sure no one could care less what I have to say, it is one of my passions and I love sharing!

I hope this wasn't just a mess of complaints. I have been annoying myself with all the complaining I have been doing this month, but it is time to get over it and move on!

Life is changing, and it is not going to wait for me to be happy.

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