Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lots of Snow, a Head Cold, and 15 Hours in a Car

Passengers: Dad, Mom, Myself.
Destination: Washington, D.C.

All odds were against us as we piled suitcase after suitcase into the back of the car.  Two inches already on the ground and no sign of the grey sky letting up from dropping the wet flakes anytime soon.  I climbed in the back with everything needed for the next 10 hours of my life: my Blackberry, Elements of Journalism book, pillow, iPod, and box of kleenex.

The snow wasn't bad as we trekked out of Illinois. 10 hours later we arrived in Washington PA where we pulled our cramped legs out of the car and stopped for the night.  

I've been missing my Taylor gang for about a month now, and had a much needed hour skype session with Tim and Jake as I sat on a lumpy hotel bed, and they chatted with me from the far away 3CW.

Unfortunately I was plagued by a head cold the day before our trip began.  Not able to sleep well, I awoke today feeling unrested and unenthused for another five hours on the road.

Especially an extremely white road.  For about 60 miles the roads of West Virginia were slick, slush, and steep.  Unable to read due to the heaviness of my eyes, I opted for the nap route, since we were moving at about 40 mph.  I awoke to a gas station in Maryland, and a bright sun in the sky.

More road, and more reading, we were soon enough amidst the heavier traffic of the D.C. area.

Thank goodness for sunny skies, and a gps.

Tonight we will head into the city for some exploring.  Tomorrow I move in, and start this new adventure.

Excited for what lies ahead, I am so happy to be out of that car.

All my love.

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