Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The End

This chapter of life in DC is quickly coming to an end. After turning in my final papers, it really feels like it is over. Leaving DC is bittersweet. I going to miss most everyone in the program, and everyone at the Georgetowner (new issue online!). But as I start to think about all that the summer has to offer visions of a sweet baby boy, weddings and a new internship spin though my head. This semester was an incredible experience and I am so thankful for everything I learned and the relationships I made.

Easter weekend was SO much fun in Raleigh with Wes and Nikki. Their new house is gorgeous, and THE best place to watch movies. Yes, that theatre room is 'pretty dang sweet'. It was great to spend the weekend my favorite brother and sister-in-law, as we celebrated the Good News of Easter. Wes made some incredible food, and we shared a lot of laughs.

Today I was supposed to go to a fashion show with a girl from the office. Although the show fell through I ended up spending the entire day at the office hanging out and having a great time with everyone! I have been putting off saying goodbye to everyone for two weeks now, and will continue when I go back in Thursday to have the girls look over my resume.

The past couple days in DC have felt like summer, and it has been wonderful!
I went on a walk after finishing my papers to enjoy the weather and snap these pictures. I figured it wont be long before the national mall is no longer in my backyard.

Time flies. Make the most of every single moment!

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