Monday, January 31, 2011

A Trip to CVS, Body Wash, and a Best Friend?

Thursday afternoon Kelsey, Gretchen and I walked to CVS.  Gretchen "needed something".  I walk down an aisle only in search of body wash, not what was about to happen.  I turn the corner and I see this person that looks exactly like Tim.  But Tim told me earlier that day he was in Michigan for J-term break. 

I lost my breath and was afraid I was going to pass out.  Gretchen had been in on the whole surprise, in fact all four of my roommates knew exactly what was going on.  The worst part (or maybe the best) is that Tim has done this before.  This past summer he surprised me when I went to visit. Him and my roommate Ericka had planned a Colts game without my knowledge.  So once again Tim had completely blindsided me.  

Well Thursday was Kelsey's 21st birthday so a group of 21 of us (ironically) went out to Cheesecake Factory.  

Friday was class, class, oh and more class.  Lecture until four on a Friday should be a sin? Right?

Sue was a great guest speaker who informed us 'How to Thrive in Our Internships' followed by 'How Not to Die in Your Internship'. 

After all that Tim and I went to a little Italian restaurant. 

Saturday we went to Georgetown, had great pizza, and even better cupcakes.  Tim insisted that Georgetown Cupcakes were the best.  But I had a challenge for him.  So the only fair thing to do was try both bakeries.  Back to back.  

At Georgetown we split a red velvet cupcake and a key lime cupcake.  They were both very good.  

Then we headed down M street to Baked and Wired.  Here we tried the razlemon devil, and the unporked elvis.  (raspberry lemon, and banana nut with peanut butter and chocolate frosting)  I had strong feelings that Baked and Wired had much more flavor.  And the cupcakes were bigger.  :) 

We then shopped on a sugar high.  I found all my favorite stores within two blocks of my office.  Temptation is going to be  daily battle.

Saturday night Tim took me to Old Ebbitts, a seafood house downtown.  We indulged on "rich food" as Tim put it.  Then we spent two hours watching Lockup Raw.  

Sunday morning Kelsey, Gretchen, Tim and I went to National Community Church.  Again, it was awesome.  A message on love, for singles.  Perfect.

We went to Union Station for lunch, and somehow ended up spending the afternoon shopping.  

We took millions of pictures on the National Mall (check out Facebook), then Tim headed back home. :(

I made tater tot casserole for a late, but much needed dinner.  

The rest of the night was spent doing laundry and getting ready for the crazy week ahead.

Internship starts Tuesday.

Hello real life. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Surprised is an Understatement

Im afraid Im starting to overuse this phrase "best day ever".  But it seems to keep happening out here.  

Although at this moment I look out the window and see awful white flakes drifting to the ground.  Which makes me want to forget about the present and back this story up a few days.  (Also, I've been neglecting to blog)

I woke today with no desire to remove myself from my bed.  With that said, lets go back to Tuesday.  

Tuesday was another service learning day.  Check that experience out on the WJC blog.  It might not be up for a couple days, but read everyone else's blogs while you're there!

Tuesday night a group of us headed to the Post Pub to watch Obama give the SOTU. Surprisingly not many people were there. My conclusion is that this city is already "over it".  Who doesn't forget half of the things promised two days later anyway? 

Wednesday, what happened Wednesday?  Hmm. Class. Slush falling from the sky.

Sarah introduced us to a new sausage/ pasta mixture.  Then it began to snow. And the city freaked out.  Buses went on emergency routes only.  People were sent home from work.  Welcome to the east coast.  

I skyped with Colton and Ernie.  

I went to bed with the anticipation of waking up to a day off.

Wish granted.  

Thursday was a relaxing day off, but turned out much different than I expected.

I feel as though this post is going to get very long, and you are going to get very bored.  So I'll explain the surprise in the next one.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weezy F. Baby

Today was one of the best days. Maybe the title gave it away, but I'll get back to that. 

The second weekend in DC was great.  Friday night six of us girls ventured out to Pentagon City Mall. Dangerous.
Saturday I slept in and it was a much needed nine hour night sleep.  I rest my case that this city is exhausting.  

When I finally got up and moving Kelsey and I went to Starbucks to take care of some studying.  That night Mimi (my mentor) and Greg (one of my directors) had the WJC gang over at their row house for spaghetti and pie.  We hung out and watched each others scavenger hunt videos.  My groups video was voted best by past program alums and mentors so we each got a Starbucks gift card. After some more socializing we left Greg and Mimi's and Gretchen and I lazily hung out in the apartment.   

 Sunday morning I met up with a close friend of my brother Wes'. Will took me out for breakfast in Georgetown.  He showed me around the city and offered his assistance with anything while I'm here.  

Sunday afternoon was filled with a lot of reading, a little napping, and a run to Eastern Market for pulled pork.  It was my night to cook for the apartment.  I made pulled pork sandwiches. I hung out with Gretchen and Merve the rest of the night, then crashed early.  

Another nine hour nights sleep, I woke up energized for lecture today.  Following the afternoon lecture a group of us headed to the Supreme Court to check out the March For Life.  The top photo was a speech happening on the steps of the Court building.  The bottom picture was from the steps of the Library of Congress.  

Gretchen and I went into the library for a bit, then froze as we headed back to the apartment.  But here's the exciting part.

I noticed on Facebook that Lil Wayne had put out tour dates, after verbalizing this to Gretchen, there was no question we had to go if he was coming to DC.  Turns out he's coming to DC on April 3rd, and we will be there in row M.  Gretchen summed up her excitement saying  " I feel like I just got engaged."  
This direct quote was a result of her calling everyone to inform them of the good news.  She also told her mom "He just got out of jail, he's at his prime."

I'm super excited, going to a Lil Wayne concert is on my bucket list. 

Family dinner tonight was burritos.  Yum. 

I also watched my first episode of Gossip Girl tonight, thank you Merve.  

It's safe to say this week is off to a pretty good start.  

Love you, DC.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ready to be a Resident, Not a Tourist

How long does it take to live somewhere and no longer feel like a wandering tourist?

Well I don't think Im past the tourist stage, but I really would like to be.

No doubt I know my way around the few blocks near the apartment.  But make me travel across the city and Im in trouble.

I have complete confidence that I will soon reach the point where Im telling someone else how to get somewhere, but for the time being I will rely on Google Maps on my Blackberry to direct my every move.

The good news is I have survived my first week as a city girl and the outcome is exactly what I had anticipated, love.

Wednesday was relatively chill.  Morning and afternoon lecture.  Then Gretchen and I walked to Eastern Market and got our nails done.  Alyssa made delicious chicken for family dinner, and as Gretchen put it I was on a "reading roll".  All this meant was I actually did my reading. We watched Law and Order SVU then went to bed.

Thursday was again a service learning day. This time Elizabeth and I were at the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center.  It is one of two pro-life pregnancy centers in DC.
They offer counseling, birthing classes, and appointments once a month to help new mothers with clothes, diapers, and other necessities.  It was a lot of fun, and a huge eye-opener.  The most exciting part is that on Tuesday next week when I go back, I get to go to a pro-life hearing in the house building.

It is an issue I have always had a firm belief on, but never really exposed to its affects.  Im thankful for the experience here in DC.  It was hard to hear a phone conversation where the girl on the other end was upset the center didn't conduct abortions as she screamed "I need this thing out of me right now!"
My heart melted and just prayed and she wouldn't do it.  But not all phone conversations at the center end that way.  A lot of women call for an abortion, and end up coming in for counseling and learning about adoption and their options.

After working at the center I came home and found out I got the job of Community Events Planner for the program.  Which means I need to get busy researching free or cheap things to do in the city. Im totally excited since event planning is something I love.

Gretchen made tacos for dinner. Delicious! Then a group of us walked to  Crumbs, a new bakery in Union Station.  Thank goodness for city living and having to walk to places.  I wanted every perfectly frosted cupcake placed behind the counter.  I decided on the half baked cupcake.  Just as evil as it sounds.  Half cookie dough, half brownie.  I think I could live at Union Station, tons of little restaurants, and the cutest little boutiques.

Its amazing to me how fast relationships have grown in only a week.  I feel like I've been friends with some of these people forever, and some I am still excited to get to know.  Yet I have been so thankful for the opportunity to keep a hold of relationships during my time away.  Seriously, what did people do without Skype?  I loved my time with Jacob Schick last night.

Not sure what's up for the weekend.  Hopefully some time for me to figure this city out.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sliding Through the Week

It's Tuesday already?

Guess I should back up a couple days.

This semester I plan on taking full advantage of the Sabbath.  Sunday Sarah, Gretchen, Heidi, John, Matt, and myself walked about four blocks to Ebenezers Coffeehouse for church at National Community Church.  It was an awesome service.  (The coffee was just a perk) We even received pastor Mark's newest book as we left.  The six of us headed to Eastern Market for lunch at a French cafe.  It was delicious.  We came back for an afternoon of relaxing, and a metro run to Target.

Sarah made perogies for dinner. Yum! After dinner I spent three distracted hours on reading, that really should have taken about an hour.  Oops.  Guess my study skills haven't  changed.

Monday was the first day of class.  I really enjoyed Terry's lecture.  How refreshing to be in classes that directly affect my future! (I knew all along I never needed math)

What really stuck out was Terry's words of wisdom of:

             Report unto others as you would have them report unto you.

Shortly after afternoon lecture John, Gretchen and I ran to Jacob's for coffee and came back to watch a little Jersey Shore. Followed by a nap until dinner.  Monday night is family night dinner.  We had delicious lasagna and chocolate cake for Peter's birthday.  Is it too soon to say I love my new "family"?

Monday night soon turned into a DC adventure.  Who knew "going on a walk" could be so fun.  The group was made up of Amy, Richard, Amanda, Zach, Katie, John, and myself.  The adventure started with Zach's genius idea.
              "Let's go to the Washington Monument, I really want to sit on Abe's lap."

I guess Iowa people don't get out much.  (Just kidding, except Zach did confuse the White House and the Capitol earlier in the week)

So we headed for the Washington Monument, in the sleet.

Since Zach wanted to see Abe, we walked to the Lincoln Memorial, to which the steps were complete ice.  We took some pictures with Abe and slid down the steps, almost falling on our faces. We headed towards the Foggy Bottom metro station, which was closed.

Because it was closed for maintenance,  we waited for the shuttle and just barely caught the last metro of the night.  Now with a good layer of ice on my coat and soaked Uggs, the adventurous feeling of the night was quickly losing its appeal.

A cold walk back to the apartment, soon enough I was happy to be in a warm bed.

7 am came much too quickly this morning, and we barely caught the bus to get us to Cornerstone school in the SE quadrant. But besides the excitement of catching the right bus, the trick was walking.  There wasn't a sidewalk in DC that wasn't a sheet of ice.  Elizabeth, John and myself spent the day working with the only private school in the SE.

I was able to spend the time with with sweetest pre-k kids.  I can't wait to go back next week.

I guess I have always taken my education for granted.  While I loved grade school and middle school, I often complained about my public high school.  I should think twice before I complain about the opportunities I had compared with so many other people in our country and around the world.

What was encouraging was these three and four-year-olds in pre-k were soaking up all they could.  They were enjoying their time in the classroom.  I want to be more like them.

DC is getting more ice tonight.  I think I'll stay in, and praises that I only have to go one door down the street for lecture tomorrow.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

City Living Means Getting Back in Shape

Day two in the city and I'm quite convinced my legs aren't going to be with me by the end of the semester.

But let me try to put the burning sensation from the waist down out of mind for a bit.

Yesterday marked the first full day of living in D.C.   After hours of orientation and a short introduction into our classes we were split into teams and sent out on a scavenger hunt throughout the city.  After consulting Google maps, we were somewhat certain we knew where we needed to go.  The first stop was the senate building.  The nice thing about living six blocks from the capitol is, well, a lot of things are in walking distance.  So began our walking expedition.

Recap of the night:  About two and a half hours of walking, snuck into the National Press Club, ate at the Post Pub, failed at reading the bus route, but still got on the one that went to Union Station, successfully completed tasks on our scavenger hunt.

Came back to the apartment and ordered groceries online for the first time in my life.  Then crashed.

Today was another leg workout.  This morning we walked to Union Station to grab a bus to Georgetown.  An hour later we were on the cute cobble-stone streets of georgetown passing store after store.  Map in hand, we headed to the University.  We were after a picture of Archbishop John Carroll.   After some exploring we ate pizza and headed back to the National Mall.  We visited the memorials, and took some extra "creative" video for our scavenger hunt.  Here's our group chatting with FDR.

And here's where the legs come back to mind.  Ouch.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lots of Snow, a Head Cold, and 15 Hours in a Car

Passengers: Dad, Mom, Myself.
Destination: Washington, D.C.

All odds were against us as we piled suitcase after suitcase into the back of the car.  Two inches already on the ground and no sign of the grey sky letting up from dropping the wet flakes anytime soon.  I climbed in the back with everything needed for the next 10 hours of my life: my Blackberry, Elements of Journalism book, pillow, iPod, and box of kleenex.

The snow wasn't bad as we trekked out of Illinois. 10 hours later we arrived in Washington PA where we pulled our cramped legs out of the car and stopped for the night.  

I've been missing my Taylor gang for about a month now, and had a much needed hour skype session with Tim and Jake as I sat on a lumpy hotel bed, and they chatted with me from the far away 3CW.

Unfortunately I was plagued by a head cold the day before our trip began.  Not able to sleep well, I awoke today feeling unrested and unenthused for another five hours on the road.

Especially an extremely white road.  For about 60 miles the roads of West Virginia were slick, slush, and steep.  Unable to read due to the heaviness of my eyes, I opted for the nap route, since we were moving at about 40 mph.  I awoke to a gas station in Maryland, and a bright sun in the sky.

More road, and more reading, we were soon enough amidst the heavier traffic of the D.C. area.

Thank goodness for sunny skies, and a gps.

Tonight we will head into the city for some exploring.  Tomorrow I move in, and start this new adventure.

Excited for what lies ahead, I am so happy to be out of that car.

All my love.