Saturday, January 15, 2011

City Living Means Getting Back in Shape

Day two in the city and I'm quite convinced my legs aren't going to be with me by the end of the semester.

But let me try to put the burning sensation from the waist down out of mind for a bit.

Yesterday marked the first full day of living in D.C.   After hours of orientation and a short introduction into our classes we were split into teams and sent out on a scavenger hunt throughout the city.  After consulting Google maps, we were somewhat certain we knew where we needed to go.  The first stop was the senate building.  The nice thing about living six blocks from the capitol is, well, a lot of things are in walking distance.  So began our walking expedition.

Recap of the night:  About two and a half hours of walking, snuck into the National Press Club, ate at the Post Pub, failed at reading the bus route, but still got on the one that went to Union Station, successfully completed tasks on our scavenger hunt.

Came back to the apartment and ordered groceries online for the first time in my life.  Then crashed.

Today was another leg workout.  This morning we walked to Union Station to grab a bus to Georgetown.  An hour later we were on the cute cobble-stone streets of georgetown passing store after store.  Map in hand, we headed to the University.  We were after a picture of Archbishop John Carroll.   After some exploring we ate pizza and headed back to the National Mall.  We visited the memorials, and took some extra "creative" video for our scavenger hunt.  Here's our group chatting with FDR.

And here's where the legs come back to mind.  Ouch.

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