Monday, January 24, 2011

Weezy F. Baby

Today was one of the best days. Maybe the title gave it away, but I'll get back to that. 

The second weekend in DC was great.  Friday night six of us girls ventured out to Pentagon City Mall. Dangerous.
Saturday I slept in and it was a much needed nine hour night sleep.  I rest my case that this city is exhausting.  

When I finally got up and moving Kelsey and I went to Starbucks to take care of some studying.  That night Mimi (my mentor) and Greg (one of my directors) had the WJC gang over at their row house for spaghetti and pie.  We hung out and watched each others scavenger hunt videos.  My groups video was voted best by past program alums and mentors so we each got a Starbucks gift card. After some more socializing we left Greg and Mimi's and Gretchen and I lazily hung out in the apartment.   

 Sunday morning I met up with a close friend of my brother Wes'. Will took me out for breakfast in Georgetown.  He showed me around the city and offered his assistance with anything while I'm here.  

Sunday afternoon was filled with a lot of reading, a little napping, and a run to Eastern Market for pulled pork.  It was my night to cook for the apartment.  I made pulled pork sandwiches. I hung out with Gretchen and Merve the rest of the night, then crashed early.  

Another nine hour nights sleep, I woke up energized for lecture today.  Following the afternoon lecture a group of us headed to the Supreme Court to check out the March For Life.  The top photo was a speech happening on the steps of the Court building.  The bottom picture was from the steps of the Library of Congress.  

Gretchen and I went into the library for a bit, then froze as we headed back to the apartment.  But here's the exciting part.

I noticed on Facebook that Lil Wayne had put out tour dates, after verbalizing this to Gretchen, there was no question we had to go if he was coming to DC.  Turns out he's coming to DC on April 3rd, and we will be there in row M.  Gretchen summed up her excitement saying  " I feel like I just got engaged."  
This direct quote was a result of her calling everyone to inform them of the good news.  She also told her mom "He just got out of jail, he's at his prime."

I'm super excited, going to a Lil Wayne concert is on my bucket list. 

Family dinner tonight was burritos.  Yum. 

I also watched my first episode of Gossip Girl tonight, thank you Merve.  

It's safe to say this week is off to a pretty good start.  

Love you, DC.

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