Friday, January 21, 2011

Ready to be a Resident, Not a Tourist

How long does it take to live somewhere and no longer feel like a wandering tourist?

Well I don't think Im past the tourist stage, but I really would like to be.

No doubt I know my way around the few blocks near the apartment.  But make me travel across the city and Im in trouble.

I have complete confidence that I will soon reach the point where Im telling someone else how to get somewhere, but for the time being I will rely on Google Maps on my Blackberry to direct my every move.

The good news is I have survived my first week as a city girl and the outcome is exactly what I had anticipated, love.

Wednesday was relatively chill.  Morning and afternoon lecture.  Then Gretchen and I walked to Eastern Market and got our nails done.  Alyssa made delicious chicken for family dinner, and as Gretchen put it I was on a "reading roll".  All this meant was I actually did my reading. We watched Law and Order SVU then went to bed.

Thursday was again a service learning day. This time Elizabeth and I were at the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center.  It is one of two pro-life pregnancy centers in DC.
They offer counseling, birthing classes, and appointments once a month to help new mothers with clothes, diapers, and other necessities.  It was a lot of fun, and a huge eye-opener.  The most exciting part is that on Tuesday next week when I go back, I get to go to a pro-life hearing in the house building.

It is an issue I have always had a firm belief on, but never really exposed to its affects.  Im thankful for the experience here in DC.  It was hard to hear a phone conversation where the girl on the other end was upset the center didn't conduct abortions as she screamed "I need this thing out of me right now!"
My heart melted and just prayed and she wouldn't do it.  But not all phone conversations at the center end that way.  A lot of women call for an abortion, and end up coming in for counseling and learning about adoption and their options.

After working at the center I came home and found out I got the job of Community Events Planner for the program.  Which means I need to get busy researching free or cheap things to do in the city. Im totally excited since event planning is something I love.

Gretchen made tacos for dinner. Delicious! Then a group of us walked to  Crumbs, a new bakery in Union Station.  Thank goodness for city living and having to walk to places.  I wanted every perfectly frosted cupcake placed behind the counter.  I decided on the half baked cupcake.  Just as evil as it sounds.  Half cookie dough, half brownie.  I think I could live at Union Station, tons of little restaurants, and the cutest little boutiques.

Its amazing to me how fast relationships have grown in only a week.  I feel like I've been friends with some of these people forever, and some I am still excited to get to know.  Yet I have been so thankful for the opportunity to keep a hold of relationships during my time away.  Seriously, what did people do without Skype?  I loved my time with Jacob Schick last night.

Not sure what's up for the weekend.  Hopefully some time for me to figure this city out.

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