Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sliding Through the Week

It's Tuesday already?

Guess I should back up a couple days.

This semester I plan on taking full advantage of the Sabbath.  Sunday Sarah, Gretchen, Heidi, John, Matt, and myself walked about four blocks to Ebenezers Coffeehouse for church at National Community Church.  It was an awesome service.  (The coffee was just a perk) We even received pastor Mark's newest book as we left.  The six of us headed to Eastern Market for lunch at a French cafe.  It was delicious.  We came back for an afternoon of relaxing, and a metro run to Target.

Sarah made perogies for dinner. Yum! After dinner I spent three distracted hours on reading, that really should have taken about an hour.  Oops.  Guess my study skills haven't  changed.

Monday was the first day of class.  I really enjoyed Terry's lecture.  How refreshing to be in classes that directly affect my future! (I knew all along I never needed math)

What really stuck out was Terry's words of wisdom of:

             Report unto others as you would have them report unto you.

Shortly after afternoon lecture John, Gretchen and I ran to Jacob's for coffee and came back to watch a little Jersey Shore. Followed by a nap until dinner.  Monday night is family night dinner.  We had delicious lasagna and chocolate cake for Peter's birthday.  Is it too soon to say I love my new "family"?

Monday night soon turned into a DC adventure.  Who knew "going on a walk" could be so fun.  The group was made up of Amy, Richard, Amanda, Zach, Katie, John, and myself.  The adventure started with Zach's genius idea.
              "Let's go to the Washington Monument, I really want to sit on Abe's lap."

I guess Iowa people don't get out much.  (Just kidding, except Zach did confuse the White House and the Capitol earlier in the week)

So we headed for the Washington Monument, in the sleet.

Since Zach wanted to see Abe, we walked to the Lincoln Memorial, to which the steps were complete ice.  We took some pictures with Abe and slid down the steps, almost falling on our faces. We headed towards the Foggy Bottom metro station, which was closed.

Because it was closed for maintenance,  we waited for the shuttle and just barely caught the last metro of the night.  Now with a good layer of ice on my coat and soaked Uggs, the adventurous feeling of the night was quickly losing its appeal.

A cold walk back to the apartment, soon enough I was happy to be in a warm bed.

7 am came much too quickly this morning, and we barely caught the bus to get us to Cornerstone school in the SE quadrant. But besides the excitement of catching the right bus, the trick was walking.  There wasn't a sidewalk in DC that wasn't a sheet of ice.  Elizabeth, John and myself spent the day working with the only private school in the SE.

I was able to spend the time with with sweetest pre-k kids.  I can't wait to go back next week.

I guess I have always taken my education for granted.  While I loved grade school and middle school, I often complained about my public high school.  I should think twice before I complain about the opportunities I had compared with so many other people in our country and around the world.

What was encouraging was these three and four-year-olds in pre-k were soaking up all they could.  They were enjoying their time in the classroom.  I want to be more like them.

DC is getting more ice tonight.  I think I'll stay in, and praises that I only have to go one door down the street for lecture tomorrow.

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