Saturday, February 5, 2011

Exhausted in Every Sense of the Word

As if a lack of keeping up on here isn't evidence enough, this week was crazy busy.  Whoever thought school and work went together was seriously mistaken.  But I'm here to suck it up and make the most if it.

The first week of internship was fun.

The two papers for class on Friday were not.

Not having to go into work on Friday was nice.

Sitting in class was not.

Okay, you get the point.  There is no escape from the life ruiner known as getting a degree.  Every night after work this week I came home to sit down and have a date with my desk.  As I searched my brain for any remaining pieces of creativity and desire to write even more, I did my best to pound out these papers for class.

They were finished by afternoon lecture, where I left with a nice present for the weekend, another assignment.  I went back up to the apartment, ready to be a diligent student (like always) and sat down to knock out the weekends work.  An hour of reading big words and finding incoherent sentences running together, I finally closed my mac.

I'm not sure how long it was but the next thing I knew Gretchen was waking me up to head to the press club for free tacos.

Later we explored Chinatown.

Unproductive is a one-word sum-up of today.

Gretchen and I got up and went to Eastern Market for breakfast.  Then we came back and literally did nothing.  It was much needed.

Later in the afternoon we got our nails done, and went to NCC for church.

We found a small Katie, Erica, Caitlin, Heidi, and Matt at church and we all stayed after for pizza and time to get to know some of the staff of NCC.  It was a lot of fun.  I'm excited to get connected to a church.

Amanda, aka Emma Stone's twin, told us of a coffee shop having a free expresso tasting tonight, she also told us of her favorite bakery/restaurant in Eastern Market.  Of course we had to hit up both.  The espresso tasting was quite an experience.  I thought Gretchen was going to puke.  But it was good, very different, but good.

We walked another block to Ted's Bulletin
They have famous homemade poptarts and twinkies.  And really good shakes.
The restaurant was very 1940s.  We will definitely be going back.

Time for a movie and some more relaxation, before the procrastination comes to kick me in the butt tomorrow.

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