Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finding My Smile

In general, I am a very happy person.  But we all have our moments, right?

Well the beginning of this week was a whole cluster of those moments.

Do you ever go into something carrying high expectations, and when the slightest of those expectations aren't met its as though your whole life is crashing down?  Hmm. Maybe a little dramatic.

I don't enjoy dwelling on the past, so lets do some summarizing and get to the good part.

Monday night I was mess.  Job, school, missing family, the works.  I cried myself to sleep, which somehow always seems to relax me, and woke up ready to face deadline.  Work was crazy (deadline).

I spent Tuesday night working on my events planner job.  It was a nice, needed relief from writing.  Okay here comes the good part....

Today totally turned the week around.  I talked with my editor, figured out some story ideas, and got to work.  Maybe my life wasn't ending.  It gets better...I got an email informing me I had reached Gold level at Starbucks.  If you know me at all, you know this would have been enough to make my week.

To top off the night I had an awesome dinner at Nooshi with Mimi, Emily, Amanda and Jenny.  My life became complete when my two favorite things in the world came together as my dinner.  I had the Hawaiian Roll which was spicy tuna, pineapple, and cucumber. (the two favorite things being sushi and pineapple)

 I was also introduced to edamame.  How did I miss that delish, yet healthy food?
Us girls took the metro back together, and I walked in the door just in time for Modern Family.

All is right the world again.

I just needed to learn that not everything is going to be perfect, because Im not perfect.  And no one expects me to be.  Im out here to learn, and instead of worrying about getting it right, I just need to get it.

I also learned I have an amazing support system, and even if all of them are in some state that starts with an I and half way across the country, they're still there.  And when I'm feeling down, I always have this

And to correct the above statement, I also have some love in the south.  Got a really helpful call from this best brother ever.

Family and friends are so important.  Cherish each and every moment with the ones you love.

When situations take a turn, take the time to learn a valuable life lesson.  You will be better in the end for weathering the storm.

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