Monday, February 21, 2011

A New Blog?

Today's lecture was all about blogging.  Which has sparked an interest in making this blog more, well, interesting.  It started out as a an excuse for me to write everyday.  Then turned in to a way to let those I left this semester be able to read what I'm up to.  Now--in keeping up with the fashion of this digital world--I'm thinking about changing the format again.  Im searching for a topic I care about, but more importantly, other people would care about reading.  While I search for the perfect topic (open to suggestions) I'll keep fillin the blog with my daily doings.

The weekend was pretty relaxed.  The progressive dinner I planned Saturday night was fun. The massage  I treated myself to Sunday morning was soothing.  I came home and fixed an early dinner.  Then Sarah, Gretchen and I went to Grace DC for church.  On the way home I picked up a Red Bull and worked on my article for class.

Today was unexciting and full of pizza.  Pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner.  I spent most of the afternoon in front of the tv.  Probably  because of the clouds and freezing temperatures that lingered outside.

Speaking of the stupid weather.  Were supposed to get maybe six inches of snow tonight.  I sincerely hope not, I hate combination of  snow and public transportation.

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