Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today Was a Fairytale

Nothing new here in Washington.

Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

But a lot more fun than it may sound.

Despite an ongoing headache (which will hopefully be remedied on Sunday by the means of a deep-tissue massage) this week has been great.

While I have tried my hardest to slow down these days, somehow tomorrow is Friday again.  (Not that Im complaining, we're all working for the weekend.) But seriously, February is flying.

Today was a great day.  Did I already mention that?

Well it started at 12 am, all days do, but today was perfect from the start.  At midnight I ordered my Jimmy Buffett ticket.  Thats right, bringing back the old family tradition of some good ol JB.  So speaking of good starts, summer 2011 will be kicked off as it should:  Buffett and Best Friend.  Not sure if STL can handle the combination of Cassi Sams, Corrie Dyke and Jimmy Buffett, but were gonna find out.

As much as I can't stop thinking about May 3, I have to continue with my obsession of February 17.

Spent the morning in Barnes and Noble.  Then reluctantly went to work.  Not because I didn't want to work, I just didn't want to be in the office on a day that the sun was shinning and it was about 70 degrees.

A miracle happened around 1:30.  The internet crashed.  My editor told me to go home and work, and I was as ecstatic as a child on the last day of school.

I walked out the door and the warm air smacked me in the face.  I wondered what the heck I was doing in a winter coat as I stuffed it into my bag.

I could have walked and window shopped for hours, but remember I still had work to do so I hopped on the bus and headed home.

Actually getting home before the sun was far gone was refreshing.  I grabbed a diet coke and my mac and got to work on the roof.  Happy Thursday!!

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